Nike 配送中心



耐克计划将两个现有设施合并为一个新的绿地孟菲斯, 田纳西州, 配电设施, 他们还借此机会发表了环保声明. They turned to 澳门足彩app for a master plan for the 125-acre site, 哪一个将为未来的托盘仓库提供包裹, a distribution warehouse and another branded footwear line.


1.1-million-square-foot U.S. 航运设施有许多可持续发展的特点:就地取材, 混凝土倾斜墙的FM最大可预见损失准则位于高地震设计区, a white TPO membrane roof with solar tracking skylights, office space for staff including a full-service cafeteria, fitness center with an aerobics studio with a bamboo floor, 办公区域的牛仔裤隔热和占用传感器照明,以减少能源消耗.


澳门足彩app provided full design services, self-performed concrete work, 制作3,300吨钢, employed local trades and relocated an onsite stream. 54美元.500万LEED®银牌认证的配送中心是一个世界级的鞋类配送中心,值得为古老的耐克品牌服务.

  • 1.占地1MM平方英尺的绿地设施将俄勒冈州和田纳西州的现有配送中心整合到一个125英亩的场地上
  • 澳门足彩app provided full design-build services, self-performed concrete work and 3,300吨钢, employed local trades and relocated an on-site stream
  • 建筑包括混凝土倾斜墙,以满足高地震设计区的最大可预见损失(MFL)标准
  • The building has several green features including a white, 带有太阳能跟踪天窗的TPO膜屋顶和带有占用传感器的T5HO荧光灯灯具
  • Within the distribution center, 澳门足彩app增加了3个,000平方英尺的办公空间,设有全方位服务的自助餐厅以及健身中心,健身室和篮球场
  • LEED® Silver Certified – 33 points (v2.2)
  • 总体增长规划-为未来的托盘仓库提供包裹, a distribution warehouse and another branded footwear line
  • 照明-设施采用T5HO荧光灯具,配备占用传感器和特殊的太阳能集热器,并在主大厅使用光纤照明
  • 材料-在办公区使用可回收的蓝色牛仔裤墙体保温材料

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