A resident of suburban Baltimore, Rick Elyar已加入澳门足彩app,担任业务发展总监,主要负责东部和东北部业务. He is pictured here with his family, from left: Summer Miles, Skylar Miles, fiancé Samantha Miles and daughter Lindsey Elyar.

January 18, 2022


With 25 years experience helping CPG clients with AEC solutions, Rick Elyar很高兴能够得到跨市场的大量内部专业知识的支持.


Rick Elyar作为架构方面的业务开发专家,已经为消费品包装产品(CPG)客户服务了25年, engineering and construction (AEC) industry. He has a particular passion for and expertise in the food and beverage markets.

Elyar最近加入澳门足彩app’s CPG Group,担任业务发展总监, and he is thrilled to be able to provide clients, old and new, the capabilities of a design-build leader and the contractor ranked No. 1 in the Food & Beverage industry in two consecutive years and three of the past six.

“I feel very fortunate to be part of a team that’s ranked No. 1 for two years in a row,” he said. “There’s truly a client-focused business approach and, without a doubt, an incredible level of in-house expertise that we bring. 我可以去任何特定的行业,我有一个了解这个行业的团队在我身后. That’s huge.”

埃利亚尔是宾夕法尼亚人,毕业于宾夕法尼亚州立大学,他和家人住在巴尔的摩郊区. 他和他的团队将把工作重点放在哈斯克尔的东部地区, particularly leveraging his connections in the northeast.

“His familiarity with the industry, 他在东北部的位置和他与当地客户群的联系将提供即时的信誉和信任,” said Dave Bartels, CPG Vice President of Strategic Planning and Development. “里克非常讨人喜欢,平易近人,将是一个以解决方案为导向的问题解决者.”

Elyar has particular interest and knowledge in food safety, 已完成课程,成为fda认可的“预防控制合格个人”(PCQI).

他与一位前客户的合作证明了他如何将专业知识与以关系为中心的方法结合起来,处理每个客户和项目. 一家以陆地为基地的水产养殖公司需要一个新的设施来养殖鱼类. 对一些人来说,这是一个养鱼场,但埃利亚尔带着科学和安全的想法来处理它.

“Each client has a different need,” he said. “In this case, 这是整合海产品加工业务的陆基水产养殖设施的独特性能要求. It needed climate and humidity control. 该设施必须节能,并使用耐腐蚀的饰面. 它需要与过程世界相关的再循环水产养殖系统,因为它们的目标是重复使用90%或更多的水. 设施设计需要考虑到生物安全因素,并且需要为未来的扩建提供可扩展性. RAS操作的下游是海鲜加工操作, 这又回到了食品安全和隔离来减少交叉污染的风险.”

澳门足彩app能够为复杂的挑战提供从概念到调试的解决方案, especially its robust engineer, procure, construct (EPC) capabilities, circles back to Elyar’s enthusiasm for his new role.

“Having the process, packaging and material handling expertise inhouse is a true advantage,” he said. “我很高兴有机会为客户提供真正出色的交钥匙解决方案.”

Contact Rick Elyar 探索澳门足彩app如何为您的客户创建一流的解决方案 Consumer Product, Food & Beverage or Beer, Wine & Spirits needs.

澳门足彩app delivers $2± billion annually in Architecture, Engineering, 建筑(AEC)和咨询解决方案,以确保全球复杂资本项目的确定性结果. 澳门足彩app is a global, fully integrated, single-source design-build and EPC firm with over 2,200 highly specialized, in-house design, 工业和商业市场的建筑和管理专业人员. With 20+ office locations around the globe, 澳门足彩app is a trusted partner for global and emerging clients.

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